The ePrescription system consists of three modules: eDoctor, ePharmacy and eControl.
- eDoctor prescription module can be used in primary health care through direct implementation or through integration through WEB services.
- ePharmacy is a central application for issuing and realizing prescriptions in pharmacy institutions, fully WEB-oriented.
- eControl is application that controls the issuance of prescriptions. It is completely under the control of state health care bodies. All checks, statuses and controls that are done can be centralized and performed through real-time algorithms.
Paperless prescriptions
Only personalised paper prescriptions are allowed for home visits and during technical issues (no electricity at hospitals, no internet access or central system is offline);
Integration of all health facilities in system (public and/or private owned);
Identical prescription flow for all patients in all facilities;
Digitalisation of personalised paper prescription in drugstore;
All paper prescription has to be digitalised and only after that could be realised in drugstore through eApoteka app as ePrescription;
Central control mechanisms (eRestriction, eTLT);
Additional modules allows Insurance companies to implement restriction algorithms with significant savings;
Central controlling mechanism, status registers and eInvoicing;
MDM registers, doctors, licences, registers of hospitals, drugstores, patient status and centralised Invoicing process between drugstores and insurance company.